load all your Google Scholar publications into total-impact

A lot of users have pointed out that it’s hard to get lists of articles into total-impact: you can cut and paste DOIs, but most people don’t have those on hand. Today we’re launching an awesome new feature to fix that: importing from Google Scholar “My Citations” profiles.

To use it, just visit your profile and click Actions->export, then “Export all my articles.” Save the file it gives you. Upload the file to total-impact in “Upload a BibTeX file” box when you create your collection (and of course, you can still add other research products from Slideshare, Github, Dryad, and elsewhere, too). In minutes, you can go from a narrow, old-fashioned impact snapshot to a rich, multi-dimensional image of your research’s diverse impacts.

Thanks to Google Scholar for making profiles easy to export, and CrossRef for their open API. This feature is still experimental (we only get articles with DOIs, for instance, so some are left out), and we’d love your feedback. Enjoy!

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